Yesterday was Isabella's birthday but we didn't celebrate until today. She seemed to enjoy opening her gifts and playing with the paper and bows as much as the toys. She didn't know what to think about the cake. This is the first time she's had something sweet like cake. I don't know how much actually went into her mouth since it seemed to be everywhere else. She had fun trying to eat it though. I hope she doesn't wake up with an upset tummy. She went straight to the sink for a bath when she got done. All in all, it was much better than Christmas when she was throwing up everywhere. I got tons of pics and video tonight unlike Christmas. Looking at these pictures, she's grown so much since we brought her home a few months ago. She looks older, her hair is longer and she has 4 more teeth. I think she's on her way to get 2 more.
That brings me to a plea for advice if anyone has any. I've posted about this before I think but it seems to be ongoing. Here's the deal....When we brought Isabella home, she was sleeping 12 hours a night without waking up. After about 2 months she started waking up once in the night. I would change her, give her a bottle, and she would go back to sleep. I thought she was teething. Well, she's STILL waking up once in the night. Even after her teeth came in. She doesn't stay up very long. I've tried letting her cry--doesn't work. She just cries harder. I've tried a warm room, cool room, night light, no night light, nothing seems to work. Any ideas from anyone? My other 3 kids were great sleepers and I don't remember them doing this or else I just blocked it out like a bad memory! It wouldn't be so bad if my alarm clock didn't go off at 4:30 every morning to go to work.
Well, enjoy the pictures. Blogger was nice tonight and let me load them all with no problems!
great birthday pics! man she seems SO happy! you guys are so lucky, and your right - her hair has grown, and she surely does look differnt...
as for the waking up? she prolly just want more loves from her mommie!!! i dont have much advice, killian woke up twice a night for two years!! i was a walking zombie, and i will never forget it.
maybe one piece of advice: make allen get up with her, so you can sleep!
love ya
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