Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Forever Family Day Isabella!!

Where has this year gone!? It really just seems like yesterday that we were stepping off the plane back in Lexington. I'm not very eloquent at this stuff so bear with me. Isabella has been such a joy from the start and I owe all of that to her foster family that loved her SO MUCH and took such great care of her. Isabella has fit in right from the start. Shane, Hunter, and Alex have been great with her. She couldn't ask for better brothers (boyfriends--watch out!). Besides ear infections, she has been perfectly happy and healthy. She's really growing up. She's getting a temper when she doesn't get her way (it's hard not to spoil her when I've wanted a girl for so long). Her hair is getting longer and I love to hear her say "Mom". She's eating better and getting a little taller. I'm looking forward to what the next years bring and watching her grow.

I tried to keep the pictures in the montage in order but it was hard. I forgot the Halloween pictures but they've been on the blog before so everyone has seen them. I had 1000s to choose from so it was really hard to decide which ones to put on there. But I hope you all enjoy looking at the pictures as much as I did.

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