Sunday, December 9, 2007

nothing new

I've deleted all the pictures on the side because I've decided my kids don't look like that anymore. Shane's hair is MUCH longer and curlier. Hunter got his braces off. Alex looks much better with DRY hair. And Isabella has changed so much since that picture was taken after we brought her home. I really wanted to put our family portrait pictures on the side but I still can't get them to load for some reason. I'm not very technical so I've tried everything I know to try. I don't know how that 1 picture loaded of Isabella. I'm gonna try to take everyones picture by the Christmas tree and put those on the side to update what everyone looks like. So check back for new pictures.


Jennifer said...

Don't you hate blogger some days? It's the dial up...

OK - Isabella is getting cuter by the day! I love that smile! She's a doll!

m.j.f. said...

hehe, ya - i been wondering how you have been keeping up with the blog and the slow connection - your doing a great job either way..
