Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My first day back at work :(

I made it through my first day back at work. Nothing had changed after 10 weeks. I only called the babysitter once. I think I did pretty good. Everyone wanted to see pictures and I was so proud to show them off. Anyway, Isabella did OK at the sitter's. I need some advice though. Isabella eats really good for me. She WILL NOT eat baby food for Tammy. She will only drink a bottle. When Tammy tries to feed her, she clamps her mouth shut and shakes her head. I don't know if she used to ME feeding her for 10 weeks or what. I tried to have Shane feed her tonight and she ate a couple of bites but then she started shaking her head. Allen tried, same thing. I got her to finish the jar. She's not spoiled is she?! She went on to eat graham crackers and cheerios with no problem. How do I break her of only wanting me to feed her? I don't want her living on bottles at 10 months old. It's just frustrating. Other than that, she does great at the sitter's.

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